Australian Race Walking Sites


Racewalking Australia

ACT Race & Fitness Walking Club

Australian Centurion Walkers

Queensland Race Walking Club

South Australian Race Walking Club

Victorian Race Walking Club

Western Australian Race Walking Club




Starting Times

Starting times will be followed as closely as possible to times listed in the program.  However, some races may vary according to conditions on the day.  It is suggested that intending competitors arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes before advertised starting times.

Club Events and                                            Long               1.15 pm
Open Days:                                                    Medium          1:15 pm
                                                                        Short               1:30 pm
                                                                        U/16 yrs          2.00 pm
                                                                        U/12 yrs          2.20 pm
                                                                        U/10 yrs          2.30 pm



Send mail to km584@optusnet.com.au with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 NSW Race Walking Club

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